SecureFeed participants jointly invest in ensuring the safety of all feed materials, compound feeds or feed additives supplied to livestock farmers. Participation is therefore subject to costs. The structure of the costs and the method of calculating and invoicing the participant contribution are set out in SecureFeed's participant regulations and handbook document D-21.
The participant contribution for 2024 has been determined as follows:
Component | Contribution |
Fixed contribution per participant | € 400 |
Contribution per tonne (initially set) | €0.040/tonne, excluding the contribution for participation in the collective implementation of the monitoring plan. The contribution per tonne will be definitively determined at the final settlement in 2024. |
Participation in the collective implementation of the SecureFeed Monitoring Plan for Animal Feed | €0.022/tonne Chargeable to participants via a contribution per tonne of animal feed. he contribution per tonne will be definitively determined at the final settlement in 2024. |
Contribution per SPC * (differentiated according to the risk class of the products purchased by the participant) | SPC with risk class LOW: €35 - SPC with risk class MEDIUM: €75 + 0.35 audit point** - SPC with risk class HIGH: €300 + 0.85 audit point** |
No costs for the tonnage and SPCs of the following products | - bedding straw - silage agents - silage agents EU Authorised (1k) - premix silage agents |
* The contribution per SPC is set at €10 when the supplier is also a SecureFeed participant and the product in question has also been registered as an SPC by the supplier-participant (this concerns so-called mutual SPCs).
** Audit points can be ‘earned back’ by performing supplier audits. After the end of the calendar year, the outstanding balance of audit points per participant is factored into the final participant contribution. One audit point equals €100.
One-off contribution for new participants
Feed suppliers registering for participation in SecureFeed will be charged a one-time fee as follows:
One-time contribution Fee | Fee |
Entry fee in the year of registration (from the moment you are a prospective participant) | € 1000 |
Cost of accession audit | € 523 |
Full annual membership fee in the year of joining | € 400 |