Privacy statement

As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. In order to be able to carry out our activities properly, it may sometimes be necessary to process your personal data. This is data that provides information about an individual person, such as contact details, but also financial data or data about other privacy-sensitive matters. In accordance with the GDPR, we have taken measures to comply with the new legislation, about which we will inform you below.

  • When we process personal data, we always do so carefully and in accordance with the law and our internal privacy policy. The basic principles of our internal privacy policy are the following:

  • We always tell you what we do with your data and how you can exercise your right of access and objection, for example.

  • We only use the data for the purpose for which we collected it (such as participant agreement, execution of agreement, relationship management).

  • We do not collect, use and store more data than we need to achieve the purpose for which we obtained the data and only if there is no other way to achieve the same goal.

  • The more privacy-sensitive the information, the less we use the data.

  • We only use the data to the extent that there is a legal basis for doing so.

  • We take appropriate security measures against loss of or unauthorized access to the personal data.

  • We only provide your personal data to third parties if we receive sufficient guarantees for the protection of your data.

In this Privacy Statement, you will find information about what we do with personal data that we receive when carrying out our activities. In this Privacy Statement, we answer the following questions:

  1. What type of personal data do we process?

  2. For what purpose do we process your personal data?

  3. Why are we allowed to use your personal data?

  4. Who has access to your personal data?

  5. How long do we store your personal data?

  6. Who is responsible for the processing of my personal data?

  7. Who can I contact if I have questions about the use of my personal data?

  8. What about the use of my personal data by third parties?

  9. How do we protect your personal data?

  10. What rights do you have regarding the use of your personal data (and how can you exercise them)?

  11. Do you place cookies when I visit your website?

  12. Are my data used to send newsletters?