Registration, deregistration and certification bodies
Below is an explanation of how to register as a participant of SecureFeed and how to cancel your participation. At the bottom of this page, you will find the participant regulations and a participant agreement.
The procedure for acceptance as a SecureFeed participant starts by submitting the completed online application form.
Once SecureFeed has confirmed in writing that it has received the application documents in full, you will receive login details for our database application so that you can register supplier-product combinations (SPCs).
You will then become a Prospective Participant and also be listed as such on the SecureFeed website. You will also be liable for membership fees from that point onwards.
Once the SPCs are subsequently registered, your chosen Certifying Body (CI) will conduct an on-site audit.
Once the audit has been successfully completed and the accession contribution has been paid, you will be accepted as a participant.
Application documents
Here you can find the online registration form.
Please note! You must complete the application form completely in one go. You cannot save it in between.
To complete the form, you need the following (digital) documents:
Current Chamber of Commerce extract(s) (KvK) showing the person authorized to sign the participant agreement.
Signed Participant Agreement (see download below).
A copy of the GMP+ certificate (or equivalent)
A copy of the latest GMP+ audit report, including an overview of the improvement measures taken. Please note: supply the complete audit report.
The most recent monitoring plan
A report of the last tracking & tracing test carried out, including an overview of areas for improvement and improvement measures taken.
If you purchase products under the Gatekeeper principle, please send the procedure by which you control this process.
A certificate or policy of your Product Liability Insurance.
Certification bodies
After SecureFeed has confirmed receipt of the application documents, the document audit will take place. This will give you ‘prospective’ (NL: ‘Aspirant’) status.
Next, the physical audit by the certifying institution will take place.
The following certifying bodies have been selected to conduct the accession audit:
- Control Union Certifications B.V.
The regular annual participant audit will be combined with the GMP+ audit.
After successful completion of the physical audit, you will receive the status ‘participant’.
Participants are then audited annually on the (quality) requirements of SecureFeed's assurance system. This participant audit will be combined with the annual GMP+ audit.
Deregistration from SecureFeed can be done per calendar year, with a notice period of three months. Deregistration may be done in writing (by an authorised person) by sending an email to Please include the reason for cancellation.