Monitoring of animal feed for potential contaminants is an important part of the SecureFeed assurance system. SecureFeed has initiated a continuous monitoring plan for animal feed that outlines the frequency of screening for potential contaminants in various types of animal feed. The input for the Animal Feed Monitoring Plan is:
- the risk classification of the feed, and;
- the declared tonnages of feed (to be) delivered by the participants.
The SecureFeed Monitoring Plan ‘Animal Feed’ is continuously revised based on changes in the risk classification of animal feed and/or the tonnages reported. Derived from the SecureFeed Monitoring Plan, each participant will receive an individual monitoring plan via the database and/or by e-mail. The overall SecureFeed Monitoring Plan for animal feed is available for participants to download here.
Additional monitoring plans
In addition to the SecureFeed Monitoring Plan ‘Animal feed’, several additional monitoring plans were established by SecureFeed. Some of these are mandatory for participants and some are of voluntary nature. Examples of additional monitoring plans are:
- The 'Verification Aflatoxin B1 Dairy Feeds' is mandatory for all producers of dairy feeds.
- Collective monitoring of mycotoxins in New Harvest Grains.
- Collective Plan for Dioxin Monitoring in Laying Hen Feeds (under GMP+ BCN-NL2).
Participants can find more information on additional monitoring plans in the SecureFeed Quality Manual.
Analytical results
The (aggregated and anonymised) results of the monitoring plans are shared with the SecureFeed participants and chain parties.